More than 80 Art Pieces by Ellis Students Honored with 学习艺术 Awards

More than 80 works of art (including two portfolios) created by 61 Ellis students in grades 7–12 will be included in the 2023 regional 学习艺术 Awards exhibition. The exhibition and awards ceremony will take place at Carnegie Mellon University’s College of Fine Arts & Kresge Theater on Saturday, February 25.
在总, the featured pieces by Ellis students earned 7 Gold Key awards, 12个银钥匙奖, and 61 honorable mentions. All Gold Key winners will be considered for national awards, including medals and scholarships.

Senior Amelia Reines also received an American Visions nomination for her Gold Key-winning piece titled “灰色的阴影.” American Visions nominations recognize works of art that display an original, authentic vision and are granted to five students within each regional program. One nominee from each region will be selected for an American Visions Award by a national panel of jurors.

“I am honored to be nominated for the American Visions Award,” Amelia shares. ""Just Shades Of Gray” is an exploration of Black femininity and dangerous stereotypes and it is a part of my portfolio for AP Art & 设计. I am extremely proud of this piece—not only because of the nomination, but because I explored and created something I was passionate about. The 学习艺术 Awards gave me a wonderful opportunity to share my work and see how it would be received. It is incredibly important (and exciting) to have the freedom to express all the facets of who we are as students: scholar, 运动员, 艺术家——不管你是谁, Ellis really excels at nurturing this expression.”

Now in its 100th year, the 学习艺术 & 写作奖 is the nation’s longest-running, most prestigious recognition program for creative teens, celebrating the work of students in grades 7–12 in 28 categories of art and writing. 

The full list of Ellis students who received 2023 学习艺术 Awards and will be featured in the regional exhibition is included below:

Rachel Arnt, Class of 2026 -荣誉奖; 稻草人的帽子
Heera Aven, Class of 2027 -荣誉奖; 无标题的
Galya Belman, Class of 2025 -银钥匙, 睡在罂粟花里
Dionna Bobo, Class of 2027 -荣誉奖; 寻找避难所
Dionna Bobo, Class of 2027 -荣誉奖; If I was a Cartoon Character
Simone Boyiadzis, Class of 2027 -荣誉奖; 静坐沉思
Josie Braham, Class of 2027 -荣誉奖; Chatauqua湖
Hannah Buck, Class of 2025 -荣誉奖; 不会飞的翅膀
Katriel Camp, Class of 2023 -荣誉奖; 我在我快乐的地方
Phoebe Charlson, Class of 2026 -荣誉奖; 拉面酒吧
Phoebe Charlson, Class of 2026 -荣誉奖; Pumpking
Lucy Dabat, Class of 2023 -荣誉奖; 小女孩
Fia Davidson, Class of 2026 -荣誉奖; 云床上
Talia Dubowitz, Class of 2026 -金钥匙, 学习大厅
Talia Dubowitz, Class of 2026 -荣誉奖; 咀嚼
Maya Earnest-Hawken, Class of 2025 -荣誉奖; 死的鞋子
Dagny Farrin, Class of 2026 -荣誉奖; 黄色的建筑
Josie Gaddess, Class of 2026 -荣誉奖; 怀旧的破坏
Maegha Goel, Class of 2025 -荣誉奖; 螺旋纸屑
Ella Greenfield, Class of 2025 -荣誉奖; Sawdust Fired Elephant Cup
Tessa Gumberg, Class of 2025 -荣誉奖; 鲍里斯
Otti Happold, Class of 2028 -银钥匙, 自画像 at Age Seven
Khyla Herbert, Class of 2026 -荣誉奖; 运动中的人.
Lizzie Hohm, Class of 2025 -荣誉奖; The Monstrous Pencil Case
Lizzie Hohm, Class of 2025 -荣誉奖; 博格人
Grayson Honig, Class of 2023 -荣誉奖; 沉思的对比
Emily Hummert, Class of 2026 -荣誉奖; 足球踢
Angelina Jones, Class of 2026 -荣誉奖; 水床
Angelina Jones, Class of 2026 -银钥匙, 性质的羽毛
Angelina Jones, Class of 2026 -荣誉奖; The Prosperos Potted Plant
Sophia Kaulen, Class of 2025 -金钥匙, Cubism Through Negatives: Galya
Sophia Kaulen, Class of 2025 -银钥匙, 伊凡
Eve Kilgore, Class of 2026 -荣誉奖; 仙女女巫
Akiera King, Class of 2027 -荣誉奖; 蒂安娜公主
Corinne Krimmel, Class of 2023 -金钥匙, 玩火 (组合)
Sabrina Lateef, Class of 2023 -荣誉奖; iPop
海伦·李,2025届毕业生 -荣誉奖; 世界海市蜃楼
海伦·李,2025届毕业生 -荣誉奖; Dionysus: God Of Pleasure
海伦·李,2025届毕业生 -银钥匙, 骨折
海伦·李,2025届毕业生 -荣誉奖; 紫水晶石头
Jaelyn Lyons, Class of 2026 -荣誉奖; 巴黎之声
Elizabeth Mahoney, Class of 2025 -荣誉奖; 国旗汤
Sofia Mancing, Class of 2023 -银钥匙, 相信
Sofia Mancing, Class of 2023 -荣誉奖; President Zelensky: A Portrait of Ukraine
Liadan McElfresh, Class of 2024 -荣誉奖; 无标题的
Sophia Musahl, Class of 2023 -荣誉奖; 家庭鱼类
Sophia Musahl, Class of 2023 -银钥匙, 耐心
Sophia Musahl, Class of 2023 -金钥匙, 水下莲花
Sophia Musahl, Class of 2023 -荣誉奖; 是时候长大了
Sophia Musahl, Class of 2023 -荣誉奖; 欧亚颈鸽
Sophia Musahl, Class of 2023 -荣誉奖; 我从哪里来?? (组合)
Josephine Nesbit, Class of 2025 -荣誉奖; 照片的宝座
Julia O'Brien, Class of 2025 -银钥匙, 羔羊碗
Aubrey O'Toole, Class of 2025 -荣誉奖; 和平之门
Mariah Parente, Class of 2025 -荣誉奖; 黑白花瓶
Maddie Potoka, Class of 2025 -荣誉奖; 加菲尔德
Maddie Potoka, Class of 2025 -荣誉奖; 洗碗
Hannah Pretter, Class of 2023 -荣誉奖; 孤独
Sarina Pretter, Class of 2024 -荣誉奖; 千里迢迢
Sarina Pretter, Class of 2024 -荣誉奖; 乌克兰陷入痛苦
Amelia Reines, Class of 2023 -金钥匙, 自画像
Amelia Reines, Class of 2023 -金钥匙, 灰色的阴影
Amelia Reines, Class of 2023 - American Visions Nominee, 灰色的阴影
Maryam Sadullaeva, Class of 2025 -荣誉奖; 光的肖像
Sophia Sellner, Class of 2024 -银钥匙, 布朗尼和精灵
Zia Shelly, Class of 2026 -金钥匙, 神性
Olive Sipula, Class of 2026 -荣誉奖; 番茄酱和热狗
Stella Sipula, Class of 2026 -荣誉奖; 溢出的牧场
Zoi Sledge, Class of 2025 -荣誉奖; 的Vauze
Ella Sokulski, Class of 2023 -银钥匙, 黄花
Mackenzie Springer, Class of 2025 -银钥匙, 用眼睛看她
Mackenzi Thompson, Class of 2023 -银钥匙, 创伤
Asani Valentino, Class of 2023 -荣誉奖; 轮廓表达
EJ Warman, Class of 2023 -荣誉奖; 凯莉
Esmé Warman, Class of 2025 -荣誉奖; 自画像
Sarai Williams, Class of 2025 -荣誉奖; 摇滚山姆
Parisha Wilojanapa, Class of 2023 -荣誉奖; 马里奥赛车的蟾蜍
Sara Woodside, Class of 2024 -荣誉奖; 黄金时间日晷
Zoe Woon, 2023届毕业生 -荣誉奖; 抽象
Annouk Yoo-Polzin, Class of 2025 -荣誉奖; 大自然的安息之地
Annouk Yoo-Polzin, Class of 2025 -荣誉奖; Fishstick


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